

 The Tokyo metropolitan government conducted its first large-scale drill for stranded commuters Friday, which involved about 10,000 participants at three terminal train stations--Shinjuku, Tokyo and Ikebukuro.
 The drill was held to build on lessons learned after millions of people in Tokyo were stranded on March 11 when public transport systems were paralyzed by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

 stranded commuterからわかるように,strandedを使うと考えられます。strandedはbe strandedで使われ,「足止めを食う,立ち往生する」という意味です(『ルミナス英和辞典』研究社)。LDOCEには,a person or vehicle that is stranded is unable to move from the place where they are [= stuck]とあります。= stuckとあるように,stuckを使っても「立ち往生する」を表せることも覚えておきたいです。stuck in a traffic jamのように使うことができます(『スーパーアンカー英和辞典』学研)。