
 injectにはこんな使い方もあるのですね。「資金を注ぎ込む」という意味で使われています。語源はin(〜の中に)+ject(投げる)なので,やはり「投げる」が共通イメージにありますね。「投与する」「投資する」と日本語でもあてることができます。LDOCEでは,to provide more money, equipment etc for somethingと定義されています。例文として,They need to inject more money into sports facilities.が挙げられています。以下の文章でもそうですが,この意味で使われるときは,intoと共起します。

 From the government, science minister Makiko Tanaka said, "I would like to make further efforts to back (his) research in terms of improving the research environment and budget."
 Tanaka, who visited Yamanaka's laboratory at Kyoto University three years ago, said she believes cooperation at the national level will help Yamanaka's research contribute to the "happiness of all humankind."
 Seiji Maehara, state minister for national policy, said he asked Yamanaka over the phone for advice on how government policy can support his research.
 "We must properly inject money into science and technological fields that need to be developed," Maehara said.
 Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yukio Edano said his ministry "has set up a research group on the practical utilization and industrialization of regenerative medicine. We would like to further strengthen such engagements."