Be it, but don't show it


 While Japanese commercial TV stations are lining up to advance into Asian markets, their advertising revenues have hit a ceiling. Meanwhile, South Korean firms already have a head start in Asian markets. According to Ishiyama, Japanese producers should make programs that better suit the tastes of local Asian viewers if they are serious about reeling in their South Korean rivals.

Following are excerpts from a recent interview with Ishiyama, a former president of the Japanese arm of FremantleMedia, a Britain-based international production firm, who was involved in selling program formats overseas:

The Yomiuri Shimbun: Why are South Korean dramas so popular in Asia?
Ishiyama: The stories of many South Korean dramas are so cliched that many Japanese viewers would feel embarrassed. Also producers intentionally avoid including South Korean culture so they will be widely accepted in other countries. These dramas may suit the tastes of people in Asian countries currently undergoing rapid economic growth.


In some cases, Tokyo-based TV stations are too large to flexibly cope with recent developments or trends. It is an idea for them to collaborate with leading production companies in other Asian countries.

1. hit a ceiling
 While Japanese commercial TV stations are lining up to advance into Asian markets, their advertising revenues have hit a ceiling. Meanwhile, South Korean firms already have a head start in Asian markets. の後半にhead start(好調な出だし)と対比されていることから,広告収入が「頭打ちになった」という意味だということは容易に推測できます。
 余談ですが,hit the ceilingのようにtheを用いると,「カンカンになって怒る」となるのも面白いですね。我慢の限度を超えてしまうというニュアンスが感じとれます。

2. reel
 if they are serious about reeling in their South Korean rivalsを直訳すると「ライバルである韓国がリールを巻くことが心配なら」となります。これはすなわち,「市場の手綱を握る」ということでしょう。このようなときにも,reelは使われるのですね。

3. cliche

4. flexibly
 まず,文法的なポイントとして,... too large to flexibly cope with 〜にはsplit infinitive(分離不定詞)が使われています。split infinitiveはあまり使わない方が良いとされていますが,最近では新聞などでsplit infinitiveを見かける頻度が多い気がします。