pick up

 The Mainichi(04/25/12付)です。このような場合にも,pick upは用いられるのですね。

 TOKYO (Kyodo) -- The Japanese economy picked up moderately in the three months through March, especially helped by recovering industrial output, the Finance Ministry said Wednesday.
 A quarterly assessment by the ministry's finance bureaus throughout the country said there remained differences over the pace of recovery depending on areas, but that the economy as a whole showed a "moderate recovery," the same evaluation as one employed in the previous quarter.
 Out of 11 regions, three were upgraded, including earthquake-hit Tohoku, where reconstruction work accelerated, as well as Tokai, a key manufacturing base. Views on the remaining eight were kept on hold.
 Production picked up on robust sales of cars and smartphones, the ministry said.

 ここでのpick upは,「(商売などが)よくなる,(景気が)好転する,勢いづく」です(『スーパーアンカー英和辞典』学研)。他にも,pick upには色々な用法があります。

e.g. Let's pick up where we left off yesterday.
「where 〜left off」という表現を見て,学部時代の「通訳技法」の授業で教えていただいた表現も目に映り,懐かしさも感じました。

e.g. He picked up his French in Paris.

e.g. If you fail, pick yourself up and try again.
pick oneself upの形で,「起き上がる」の比喩として「立ち直る」という意味も表します。

 pickの元々の意味は「指または先のとがったものでつついて取る」です。upと共起することで「〜上げる」というニュアンスが加わわると,上記の意味が浮かんできます。実はpick upは,使い方にかなり幅が利く表現だということがわかります。