
 DY(02/12/12付)のEducation is key to preventing cancerより,英語表現を拾います。

 A lack of proper cancer education could lead to people of all ages developing a fixed idea that "cancer means death," which could also increase prejudice against people with the disease.
 Yoko Matsumoto, who runs an association of cancer patients in Ehime Prefecture, said: "The lack of knowledge afflicts patients and their families. Moreover, it can lead to cases where patients' treatment is delayed or patients fail to choose proper treatment out of fear."
 If schools take the initiative in cancer education, such outcomes can be reduced.
 The central government is expected to include cancer education in the second basic plan to promote anticancer measures to be compiled this spring. Some local governments have already started their own projects.

 afflictは,「〜を苦しめる,悩ます」という意味で知られている語です。この語はどのように使われるのでしょうか。まずは,その点を考えたいと思います。ODEには,(of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adverselyとあります。主に,「問題」や「病気」が主語になり,それによって与えられた害に苦しむときに使われるといえます。本文でも,知識不足というproblemがpatientsやfamiliesを苦しめるというように使われています。
 次に,語源をみていきましょう。af+flictで分れることは一目瞭然です。flictはstrike(打つ)を意味する語根です(『語根中心 英単語辞典』大修館書店)。本書に載せられている例を紹介します。
