faux pas


10 cell phone faux pas you really shouldn't make
 (CNN) -- If you gave most folks the choice between their smartphone and their nondominant hand, many of us would wave a one-palmed goodbye to Mr. Lefty/Righty, weld our iPhones to our wrists and grimly welcome an existence of Terminator-like efficiency.
 Yup, we're addicted to those little bleating beasts, so much so that we fold them wholly into our workaday lives, blindly committing a cornucopia of social indignities with zero cognizance.
 Conversely, we look down our noses at those who commit the very same phone faux pas, hypocritically musing over their every social slight. Well, my friends, it's time to stand up and take notice.

 今回はタイトルにあるfaux pasというフレーズについてです。faux pasは「誤ち,失策,過失,軽率なことば[行ない],(特に,女性としての評判をあやうくするような)非礼,不品行」とあります(『リーダーズ英和辞典』研究社)。